London – The startup named Pop VoIP has been backed by its parent company – Pop Telecom – and aims to unite business related data with phone calls and create a platform that harnesses the capability that enables home workers, mobile phones and offices act in unison through a single connection. The system offers the gateway to team conversation and overcomes the difficulty of having to send messages to individual members of a team. This feature allows instantaneous communication with team members and all chats are backed-up on the system cloud-based storage.
Low cost communication, made from Pop VoIP platform and virtual integration with CRM tools and commerce solutions has been a key driver in the company’s success. Advanced PBX features increase the retention of call flow. Pop VoIP also boasts a virtual receptionist that allows quick transfer of customers to the right employee and saves the time that would otherwise be required for a manual receptionist to retrieve the concerned message and relay it on paper in person. Acquisition of freephone numbers from multiple countries allows the recruitment of new agents and expansion of the company to become a global provider with beefed up customer support. International calls can be routed anywhere in the specified country thereby expanding customer base without requiring the capital to move or build new offices.
The system uses packet-switched protocols through computer networks and has superseded the need to use cables for calls since data is transmitted via the internet making it easier for users to connect with their loved ones and friends. Monthly broadband solutions are an integral element of Pop VoIP which averts the need to purchase expensive circuit switches from local telephone supply. The signals relayed by the system can be transmitted from any VoIP compatible network. A simple setup with local network allows access to the VoIP system and several beneficial features. VoIP has climbed the ladder in the telecommunications industry in recent years. Features like conference calling, instant messaging, and call recording from a VoIP system and several other VoIP packages to suit small or large businesses and even for personal usage have become the dominant way of accessibility in this modern era.
About Pop VoIP
The freedom and liberty by granting the ability to move freely throughout the office yet continuously maintaining the availability and quality of the service is one major advantage of Pop VoIP that cannot be overlooked. Unlike any other telephony provider, Pop VoIP solves the problem of costly fees and limitations by providing a two-in-one, easy-to-use system while maintaining a highly-accessible and feature-rich service. Pop VoIP is continually evolving — having an open-access around the globe with offices in London and the USA making us an international business. Pop VoIP subscribers are empowered to a full-cycle expense manageme
Conner Curran
Managing Director
Office: 03301180204