Congratulations, Professor Tzenios, the New Senior Executive Vice-President of the World Academy of Medical Science

The Executive Board of the World Academy of Medical Science has named Professor. Dr. Nikolaos Tzenios as Senior Executive Vice-President of the World Academy of Medical Science for his extraordinary, groundbreaking clinical research and ongoing academic accomplishments.

Dr. Tzenios is a living lesson to future generations of academics and scientists. Nikolaos demonstrated that resilience and intensive cooperative work could break the limitation of time and the restraints of the mind.

Professor Tzenios achieved in less than 30 months what usually would require multiple lifetimes of academic studies and research work.

Dr. Tzenios, in an ultimate extraordinary achievement, is following simultaneously 3 Doctor of Science programs and multiple Post Graduate programs, including very prestigious programs at Harvard University, Stanford University, and Sorbonne University.

Dr. Tzenios is a tenured Professor of Public Health, holds Ph.Ds., two H.C. Doctorates, and multiple post-Doctoral and post-Graduate awards.

Professor Tzenios is an elected academician, fellow, and member of over seven prestigious Medical, Political, and Social Sciences academies.

Dr. Tzenios declined our invitation for an interview. Still, he conveyed his gratitude to the honorable Fellow academicians for their trust. He thanked his wife and his family, friends, and team for supporting his quest for change and success.

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Professor Tzenios promised to answer all questions in an open forum discussion in the future.

Professor Tzenios has urged young scientists to arm themselves with resilience. He added: "No valley can not be crossed, and no mountain can not be climbed if the efforts match the will and wishes." "When searching for innovation, Never accept defeat, never take a no as an answer, and Never stop to try, as success maybe just behind the next corner."

Dr. Tzenios ( ) is an Ambassador of the European Association for Cancer Research, Member of the Scientific of the European Medical Association,

Fellow of The Royal Society for Public Health, a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine, a Fellow of the World Academy of Medical Sciences

Member of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ANTI-AGING MEDICINE, the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine, The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), and the American Federation for Medical Research

Affiliate Member of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Associate

Member of the Royal Society of Biology (U.K.)

ASSOCIATE ACADEMICIAN of the International Academy of Social Sciences

Member of the American Association for Cancer Research

Member of the American College of Healthcare Executives

Member of the American College of Medical Quality

Member of the European Association of Cancer Research

Member of the American Society of Preventive Oncology

Member of the American Public Health Association

Member of the Genetics Society of America (GSA)

Associate Member of the American Obesity Medicine Association

Member of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals.

Member of the European Society of Human Genetics

Member of the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, ESPEN

Member of the Canadian Public Health Association

Member of the British Association for Cancer Research.

Congratulations, Professor Tzenios, Our Congratulations, Professor Tzenios, the New Senior Executive Vice-President of the World Academy of Medical Science!

WAMS ( ), the World Academy of Medical Sciences, as the sole official world institution of medical sciences of its kind, puts its principal aim on the task of establishing a universal medical medium and sphere in which the standards and practice of clinical and basic medical sciences can academically be followed, performed, improved, and expanded through collaborative work, duties, missions, and activities.

The Academy administers an international convergence of Medicine, generating better cooperation and attunement between its members, member institutions, and scientific partners, including medical faculties, medical schools, hospitals, medical institutions, medical research centers and laboratories, and medical, biomedical, and pharmaceutical enterprises, institutions, and associations.

Providing an international network of medical research and clinical activities on academic levels, the Academy, as the executive body of the World Medicine, administers, represents, and promotes an establishment of international Medicine based on impartial progress and expansion of the medical and medicine-related sciences with conformed academic and practical standards. In this establishment, the substratum of all these activities primarily consists of research, training, and education. At the same time, the medical practice of academic standards and manners remain the base of the Academy's scientific excellence.

New Patient Analysis Finds - Those Who Stick With Diabetes Management App Klinio for 19 Days Significantly Reduce their Blood Glucose Levels

A new data analysis of patients with type-2 diabetes has found that people who use the diabetes management app, Klinio, for a minimum of 19 days over 2.5 months are twice as likely to reduce their absolute HbA1c value by 0.59 percent.

The data found users were also twice as likely to achieve clinically meaningful improvement than users who had fewer logins. A change of 0.5 is considered a meaningful change in a person’s health status and is accepted by the Food and Drug Administration.  

The data analysis was conducted by the digital health company, Kilo Health, and validated by the independent organization, Validation Institute, which authenticates and verifies findings and claims made by third-party solutions providers.

Kasparas Aleknavicius, MD and head of Medical Affairs for Kilo Health, says his team of scientists wanted to see how mobile apps could help patients with diabetes better manage their disease in comparison to previously published studies.

“This research confirmed our belief that blood glucose levels can get under control quickly with the help of a mobile app,” said Aleknavicius. “This is promising for diabetics who struggle managing their disease. You can manage your diabetes with the help of technology and mobile apps. In this case, we observed a substantial reduction with their HbA1c levels in just over two months.”

Kilo Health found more than a thousand diabetes management apps on the market, however, Aleknavicius said few trials reported significant improvement in disease control while measuring HbA1c levels. 

Aleknavicius says this new research reinforces the role retention and engagement play in managing diabetes. One in 3 Americans have prediabetes, and one in 5 Americans will have full-on diabetes by 2025, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s estimated 8 percent of the global population already has diabetes.

“We need to continually remember that if you stop managing your diabetes, it will get worse,” said Aleknavicius. “Your choice of diabetes management app is up to you. What’s most important is making sure diabetics and pre-diabetics find a tool today to help them better manage their diabetes. Ignoring it won’t take it away.”

Research and Methodology for Study

Under this study, analysts with Kilo Health studied a population of 342 type 2 diabetics who started using the Klinio app in September 2020. Roughly 81 percent of the population was women and 19 percent were men, with everyone between the ages of 25 and 84.

The number of active days was obtained from the app's login data, while total time of use was calculated by subtracting the first login date from the last. 

Gender, age, and HbA1c values were self-reported by users during their account setup. At the time, Klinio asked users to input their latest known HbA1c value obtained from their blood sample test performed in the certified lab. Users were asked again to report HbA1c values after the scheduled blood tests. The time between measures had to be at least 3 months. For an HbA1c difference, the starting HbA1c value was subtracted from the last recorded HbA1c value.

The Klinio app is available to download for free on iOS and Android.


New Data Analysis Identifies Simple Behaviors that Reverse Diabetes and Bring Blood Sugar Levels back Under Control

A new analysis of patients with diabetes has identified the most popular behaviors, foods and activities that reverse their condition, and return blood sugar levels back to the normal range without medication.

The data analysis involved 5,355 people who used the diabetes management app, Klinio, for a minimum of 14 days, and logged their blood sugar levels, meals and activities.

The analysis found it took an average 36 days for patients with prediabetes to bring their blood sugar levels under control and 52 days for patients with type 2 diabetes when they drank 7 glasses of water a day and took 7,500 daily steps. And the longer app users stuck with this behavior, the more their blood sugar levels stabilized, according to the data analysis.

Blood sugar levels that drop by at least 5 percent in the first 7 days of reporting and are below 7.8 mmol/L are typically classified as improving conditions.

Dr. Braden Barnett, Medical Advisor to Klinio, said the team at Klinio conducted the data analysis to quantify how simple lifestyle changes could lower blood sugar levels for people with diabetes.

“When you’re in the middle of a diabetes battle, it’s not always easy to see the end,” said Barnett.  “But diabetes can be improved with simple health changes in a short period of time, and this data proves it. If you stick with a diabetes management plan, like in our study - Klinio-, the data shows blood sugar levels drop. And the longer you stick with the diabetes plan, the better results you see.”

Consumers can download the Klinio app for free with iOS or Android.

Direct Relationship Between Weight Loss and Tracking Blood Sugar

The data analysis also found a direct correlation between weight loss and tracking blood sugar levels. Patients with diabetes who had the discipline to track and control their blood sugar levels had a better than 1 in 2 chance (56 percent) of losing weight, compared to those who didn’t control their levels and had a 43 percent chance of weight loss. This finding was consistent among all users, regardless of how often or how long they used Klinio. 

Patients with prediabetes showed the largest benefit from tracking: 61 percent of them lost weight when they tracked their blood sugar levels. 

“It takes discipline to continually track blood sugar levels, but that was our biggest finding: that discipline overtime will lead to better health,” said Barnett. “If you make the effort with tracking, diabetics will see the results in a relatively short period of time.

Diabetics Who Show Most Health Improvement

As part of their behavior analysis, Klinio took a specific look at diabetics who got the healthiest and brought their diabetes under control. Their analysts found the most popular foods by people who lowered their blood sugar levels were oats, various berries, olive oil, seeds, avocado and fresh vegetables and fruits.

“Our diet findings reinforce our conclusion around discipline. Diabetics who are disciplined enough to track their blood sugar levels also tend to eat healthier,” said Barnett.

One in 3 Americans have prediabetes, and one in 5 Americans will have full-on diabetes by 2025, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 


Mark Macias

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Fitness Trainer Reimagines Ancient Exercise Regimen that Brings High Intensity Workout in as Little as 5-Minutes

International professional surfing coach and fitness trainer, Rokas Bakstys, has reimagined an ancient martial arts exercise regimen that delivers a high intensity workout with a low impact in as little as 5 minutes, using weighted ropes.

For centuries, martial arts has practiced a physical and mental exercise known as “Rope Flow,” using a chain whip or meteor hammer. Bakstys altered this relatively unknown Kung Fu routine with a weighted rope he imagined, bringing the same mental and physical endurance as the ancient exercise.

Bakstys says he always wanted to integrate Rope Flow into his surfing training routine but didn’t feel comfortable using a weapon with his clients. After he couldn’t find anything on the market, he recreated the physical and mental exercise using three different types of weighted ropes. He named it, Octomoves.

“Rope Flow is unique because it connects the mind and body together with an exercise that will leave you winded within the first 5 minutes of trying it,” said Bakstys. “Most training routines focus on either the body or the mind - one or the other - but rarely both. Rope Flow forces you to focus, while the weighted rope continually works your muscles.”

Bakstys says Rope Flow can also improve mobility and joint health, increase cardio, reduce anxiety and stress, and maintain cognitive function as people age. Each weighted rope comes with videos and training modules that demonstrate Rope Flow variations.

“You can benefit from these exercises with as little as 5 minutes a day,” said Bakstys. “But the more you play with it, the more you gain. If you are just starting your active lifestyle, start with as little as 5 minutes a day. And as you practice these exercises daily, your body will adapt, and you will see fast results.”

How Rope Flow Brings the Mind and Body Together

Octomoves put the muscles through a full range of motions that include extension, flexion, internal and external rotation. 

The classic figure-8 routine opens the hips and relieves tension in the middle back - areas that frequently stiffen over time. The exercise also activates the glutes and deep core that can relax after prolonged sitting.

Mental Focus

The Flow state requires users to concentrate on the rope while exercising, bringing a mental release of tension. As users enter the Flow state, Bakstys says they will experience a form of moving meditation, lifting their stress and anxiety. 

Cardio Factor

Users can choose the cardio intensity with Rope Flow, opting for either a slow and steady session or more high intensity intervals. And since users aren’t jumping up and down, it places minimal impact on the joints.

Cognitive Function

Learning any new challenging skill activates the brain and improves cognitive function. 

Bakstys says this cognitive function also applies with Rope Flow where users must learn a new exercise routine, while integrating patterns on a weighted rope. This attention to detail improves cognitive function as users practice and learn new movements.

“I’ve been using Octomoves with my personal clients, and they all say they feel instant benefits,” said Bakstys. “I also see how Rope Flow improves their coordination and mobility while their mind becomes more focused. It’s like a Zen state that strengthens the muscles while the mind focuses on the exercises.”


Mark Macias


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Dr Leeds Shows How to Handle Alcohol Cravings with the Sinclair Method

Dr. Leeds is now providing The Sinclair Method treatment to help people who need helping with alcohol cravings.

Fort Lauderdale, FL - USA | August 13, 2021 -- Dr. Leeds is now providing The Sinclair Method treatment to help people who need helping with alcohol cravings. Pharmacological extinction using naltrexone therapy helps patients to cut back on alcohol consumption.

The Sinclair Method uses naltrexone, an opioid antagonist, to help erase the harmful learned behavior of drinking alcohol. If you are wondering how to stop craving wine, beer, vodka, rum, or even tequila, Dr. Leeds can help.

Coping with alcohol cravings is possible with naltrexone treatment combined with controlled drinking. By using The Sinclair Method (TSM) to help reduce intense cravings when exposed to drinking triggers, patients are able to reduce alcohol intake gradually.

Furthermore, the dreaded alcohol deprivation syndrome that often occurs months after quitting cold turkey can be avoided. The Sinclair Method, by using pharmacological extinction with respect to alcohol addiction, is highly effective.

Is it possible to erase a habit from the brain? Would you like to know how to deal with alcohol cravings in a way that will help to curb alcohol cravings for good?

When you drink alcohol to feel better and face certain situations, it is a habit forming behavior. Endorphin reinforcement eventually leads to alcohol dependence and alcoholism. The Sinclair Method works at the level of blocking opioid receptors to progressively remove alcohol cravings and alcohol urges.

Of course, alcohol is not an opioid, so the mechanism of TSM and how it helps to manage alcohol cravings is not obvious. Dr. Sinclair developed this method with inspiration from the work of Nobel Prize winning scientist, Ivan Pavlov.

The way it works is simple. If you are craving alcohol in the evening, You simply take the prescribed medication as directed by Dr. Leeds. After the appropriate amount of time has passed, you engage in controlled drinking.

The naltrexone opiate blocker helps you to control your alcohol drinking, and it helps to extinguish the alcohol habit, bringing you back to a pre-addiction state. The process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Many of Dr. Leeds’ patients lose interest in alcohol and stop drinking altogether. They are able to finally beat alcohol cravings and give up their obsession with alcohol.

They are also able to finally lose the compulsion to keep drinking one drink after another. TSM teaches your brain how to resist alcohol cravings by using the unique habit erasing behaviors of the program.

You may have heard of TSM from the well-known TEDx talk given by actress Claudia Christian. Ms. Christian has also produced a documentary on the topic, “One Little Pill.”

While the program is fairly straightforward, there is more to it than simply obtaining a prescription for the medication. Dr. Leeds has many years of experience helping people to overcome addictions and find success in life.

His unique blend of medical treatment and success coaching has helped many people to turn their lives around, finding peace and happiness. Dr. Leeds’ patients are often able to accomplish things that they previously only dreamed of.

If you are interested in learning one of the best ways to reduce alcohol cravings using advanced medication-assisted treatment, please contact Dr. Leeds for more information.

For more details, please visit

Press & Media Contact:
Dr. Leeds
3290 NE 33rd Street,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
United States
+1 954-776-6226