Why Fingerpost Signs and Lecterns Improve Experience in Parks and Other Open Spaces

It might not seem like a big deal at first but incorporating fingerposts and wooden lecterns into your park design is essential. Without these signages, your visitors will not find your big open space such a welcome place. This is especially true for big spaces where you might feel like you are standing in the middle of a big forest, and you need to bring breadcrumbs to track your way back.

Helps people navigate

The primary and most important use of fingerposts and wooden lecterns is navigation. Maps are practically useless when you have no fingerpost signages in place. People generally do not like to depend on their mobile phone’s compasses and your tour office’s leaflet map for survival in a big park space. On the other hand, some people just want to immerse themselves in nature and trust their feet, so unless you want guests never finding their way back to your exits, you need to put up proper signages.

Controls the flow

Crowding in one spot of your park can happen if people do not know where they need to go next. If you are designing a big park, no one really wants to travel down a 2km trail without knowing what the end of the path looks like. For this reason, wooden lecterns and fingerposts provide a sort of preview or promise to park dwellers. A park without these signages just seems bleak and hostile.

Important for safety

In case of an emergency, people need to know where to go. Proper signages like well printed and positioned fingerposts keep people safe. Whether it’s an earthquake or a sudden onslaught of rain, or simply an important call that prompts them to look for the nearest help desk--your park should be navigable enough. The beauty of these wooden lecterns and fingerposts is that they can be designed so that they sit well with your park’s main features. They won’t stick out like sore thumbs in the space.

Could complement historical signs

These signages can also complement your information posts and onsite maps. You can put historical signs in place to give people more information about statues and historically relevant spots in your park. The signs can lead to these park highlights.

Safer for children

Your park cannot be manned by your staff at every corner. Because this is a park, children are bound to visit the space too with their parents. Sometimes, however, children wander off and lose sight of their parents. For a child who knows how to read, these signages are essential.

Visitor familiarity and comfort

People are generally more comfortable when they are familiar with the space they are exploring. Signs help give that level of comfort even to those visiting your park for the first time. For this reason, they are bound to come back to your park as well. No one really wants to go back to an unmarked maze.

Do you need signages for your own space? Visit https://www.dabgraphics.co.uk/waymarkers-fingerposts-and-discs.htm today.

DAB Graphics is the trusted leader when it comes to producing top-quality fingerposts and wooden lecterns. Visit our website today to learn more about our services.

For More Information Please Visit https://www.dabgraphics.co.uk/