CBD Flower USA Coverages Controversy Over The Hemp Stop Gap Bill

North Las Vegas, Nevada - December 14, 2020 - CBD Flower USA provides feedback on the H.R.8337 Hemp Stop Gap Budget Bill that aims to extend funding and allows hemp farmers more time to comply with new USDA demands. The Bill was signed by President Donald Trump on October 1, 2020. The new legislation took effect on November 1, 2020, and will continue through September 2021. However, not all farmers are happy. This extension has created a divide between states that have already complied with the 2018 Hemp laws, and those who have not yet received approval for their hemp program through the USDA.

What Is The H.R.8337 Hemp Stop Gap Budget Bill?

In the 2018 Farm Bill, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was appointed to work with each state and Indian Tribe on hemp growing licenses for commercial purposes. For this to occur each state would need to submit hemp cultivation plans to the USDA for approval. The USDA could then approve or request revisions.

Under the 2018 Farm Bill, states and Indian Tribes had until October 31, 2020, to submit their plans for approval or revision. With the World-Wide Pandemic, lawmakers realized that not all states were going to be able to meet the initial deadline for these requirements to be in place.


CBD Flower suggested that "This extension will allow states more time to get up to speed with the new regulations that the USDA has put into place for hemp. Without this extension, many states may be left in the dark as they are not fully up to speed with the new regulations that are being put into motion."

So, the Hemp Stop-Gap Bill was introduced as a solution. While some states have already gained approval for their commercial hemp programs, there are a lot of states who are still in the process of working with the USDA.

This bill extended the deadline to September 2021 and allowed hemp growers to continue under the regulations of the 2018 Farm Bill. It also extended funding for the Hemp Pilot Program. While this may seem like a good solution for everyone, it was not well received by some.

The Divide

While the extension was welcomed by many states and hemp growers, some farmers were upset. States who have gain approval from the USDA will now be subjected to farm under the new stricter laws. This affords those states that have not adopted these laws yet a better chance to sell their hemp in the coming year. They will have softer restrictions to comply with.

The USDA was very strict in the outlines for the new hemp program. This means farmers may fall short of new regulations. States that do not have approved plans are hoping that the kinks in the new Hemp program are worked out before they are required to comply with the new laws.


CBD Flower further states, "The extension of the pilot program provided an answer that many industry leaders and lawmakers were seeking, as hemp growers needed time to adjust to the USDA's interim final rule (IFR) on hemp."

There is still some uncertainty about the commercial hemp industry and regulations for cultivation. States that have not gained approval for their hemp programs will have one more year to seek a resolution before they are required to comply with the stricter guidelines. For now, those states that have approval will be operating at a disadvantage.

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