The Church of Pentecost, Ho Area was not left out in taking their turn to launch the Peace Campaign on the theme: Seek Peace and Pursue it, under the auspices of Apostle Moses Kwame Ahiakor the Area Head.

This august event which took place at the Central Auditorium of Ho Fiave was held on 9th October 2020 with a massive attendance by Religious, Civil Societies and Government institutions forming the stakeholders for the program.

Speaking at the launch, Apostle Moses Ahiakor called on all to reunite, arise and seek peace now but not tomorrow or a later day. “We have only one Ghana entrusted into our hands by the Almighty to keep. Should we become distrusted servants, chaos, disaster and anarchy would become the order of the day” he said.

He advised the politicians and their followers to always smoke the ‘peace pipe’ in their attempt to settle any ostensible differences so that we could continue enjoying peace before, during and after the elections.

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Speaking to the youth, he said “don’t be the one to start troubles but rather be the engine that propels peace”

The Media was asked to reflect solemnly on what they seek to carry as their content for news and their reportage and were advised to have their coverages devoid of sensationalism, bias and false information which has the tendency to fuel violence.

Having watched the documentary on the 2020 Agent of Peace Campaign, the stakeholders took their turn to pledge their support to the maintenance of the peaceful atmosphere we enjoy.

A statement that kept running through each stakeholder’s solidarity message was “we all have a part to play in seeking peace before, during and after elections”.  They commended the Church of Pentecost for soldiering the call for peace and institutions such as the National Commission for Civic Education, Ghana Prisons Service and Police Service itemized the diverse ways the Church of Pentecost has immensely supported them in the discharge of their duties.

Speaking at the event, Hon. Prosper K. Pi-Bansah the Ho Municipal Chief Executive expressed his profound gratitude to the Church for spearheading this great agenda and called on all political parties to put Ghana first in all deliberations. We should be mindful of what we say, our actions, inactions and other political innuendos which may derail us of our quest for peace.

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The Area Coordinator for the program, Pastor Cephas Akakpo concluded on the note that, all the things happening around has spoken clearly to us that, we can no more attain or acquire freedom and peace as a common commodity if we do not deliberately work towards its attainment. Hence let’s all seek peace and pursue it diligently.

An agent of peace route march from the venue through the principal streets to PIWC Mawuli Estate took off to climax the launching activity.

The Ho Area Pastorate, Chief Imam and his entourage, the Ho MCE and his entourage representing the Regional Minister, Media, Voice Ghana, Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council Members, Ghana Revenue Authority, Lands Commission were few dignitaries present at the Peace Campaign launching.


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Report By Overseer Felix Brakatu, Ho Area