Front Line iMask Plus Shield Protection Receives Key International Certification

Monroe, GA: October 2020 - Protective face shields, distributed by a Georgia man, for front line workers and athletes have received an international safety certification.

The iMask Plus Face Shields produced and distributed by Monroe-based Richard Millman, can now be classed as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) following certification by SATRA, one of the leading certifications to receive in Europe.

SATRA is a European Notified Body for the CE marking of products under the EU Directive on personal protective equipment (PPE) and the EU Construction Products Regulation (305/2011).

"This approval from SATRA is critically important for iMask+ as we can offer it as a product that has passed stringent certification testing," declared Mr Millman.

"We can help our frontline and essential workers stay safe while dealing with Covid-19 patients and the general public. In this current environment, it is critical that we all help and iMask Plus is doing its part."

The high-quality iMask Plus is a full face shield that is reusable and can be sanitized multiple times, unlike some cheaper, disposable face shields that are prevalent in the marketplace.

Lightweight and easy-to-assemble, the iMask Plus also has parts that can be replaced if damaged or have worn out from usage.

Mr Millman added: "Physicians, nurses, dentists, and other frontline workers, need a high-quality product that is both effective, durable and stands up to the demands of their jobs. iMask Plus does just that."

It is also cost-effective to not have to replace the face shield after one use or after a long shift. The iMask Plus can be washed and sanitized before they need it again for next use.

Mr Millman is now producing these in Georgia and selling them direct to consumers and in bulk (at a discount) to frontline workers in the medical and other fields.

When the pandemic hit, Mr Millman wanted to help, as well as maintain his livelihood. As a sports professional, his career was going to be on hold for a while. For many years, in addition to his day job, he has been the USA distributor for iMask, the protective eye shield for racket sports like squash.

He and his partner in Australia modified their design to create a Face Shield that covers the whole face and can be used by frontline workers as a barrier to infection.

To order contact 1843-323-7340 or email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Alternatively, discuss more on their website: