When To Issue A Party Wall Notice Or What To Do When Your Receive One

If you’re doing structural work that may affect a wall you share with a neighbour, you’ll need to come up with a party wall agreement first. As required by the Party Wall Act 1996, the agreement (which can be mediated by party wall surveyors in London) gives you access to the said shared property while protecting the interests of your neighbours.

When Do You Need A Party Wall Agreement

Party wall refers to a wall that serves as the boundary of land that belongs to two or more different owners. It can also refer to a garden wall located on the boundary line between your and your neighbour’s home.

If you’re doing alterations that can directly affect such a structure (or if the structure will be affected by any excavations that will be done three to six metres from it), party surveyors London advise that you enter into a party wall agreement first to comply with the Party Wall Act.

The agreement typically includes the guidelines

How the structural work will take place, the schedule or timeline of the project — as well as the condition of the structure during each phase of the project. It should also have the drawings and details of the proposed work to better help your neighbours picture out the output of the project. Other information such as your and your neighbour’s addresses, the surveyor’s details, and the details of the contractor’s public liability insurance also need to be included.

Complying With The Party Wall Act

If you will be the one to initiate the structural work, you will need to serve a party wall notice to your neighbours two months before the project begins (however, most party wall surveyors London recommend having an initial talk to better facilitate the agreement).

Your neighbour will have two weeks to respond. If he or she gives consent, you can proceed with the work. However, if he or she refuses, you’re advised to appoint a surveyor to help you negotiate an agreement. Take note that you can both hire a sole surveyor (called as an "agreed surveyor") to be more cost-effective and share the fees — or you can hire separate surveyors and let these professionals do the mediation. If the surveyors still don’t arrive at an agreement, a third surveyor is needed to adjudicate.

If you will be on the receiving end, as stated, you’ll have two weeks to respond to the notice. Go over the terms carefully so you can decide if it indeed protects your interests as a "co-owner" of the shared wall.

Throughout the duration of the project, the involved parties are expected to abide by the terms of the agreement. One party may seek compensation if they could prove that they suffered a loss due to the other party’s non-compliance.

APM Projects offers the services of the best party wall surveyors in London. From consultation to the actual creation and carrying out of the party wall agreement, they provide a wide range of services to help you undertake structural works affecting shared properties as hassle-free as possible. Check them out at https://www.apmprojects.co.uk or email them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a free no-obligation quotation. You may also call them at 0203 170 6182.