How to Write a Press Release

 A press release can be like a key that opens a door into a great hallway filled with numerous rooms. It ends up that press releases just aren't what they used to be. There was a time when writing press releases was an exclusive right of members of the media, publicists and public relations specialists. This elite class of specialists would fashion press releases and send them out to various newspapers, radio stations and television stations. Those days are gone. The internet and other innovations now make it possible for the average person to efficiently craft a press release for themselves. But just any type of writing will not suffice.

Even though writing press releases has become something anyone can do, there is still a great storehouse of wisdom on how to write an effective press release that will gain the attention of the intended audience. The online press release is no different. The goals of an online press release are to bring traffic to the online sites where the press release is submitted, to use the right keyword density in order to gain a high ranking in Google and similar searches, and to be Search Engine Optimized. Word choice is critical to the success of that release.

Basic rules of a press release

- A brief clear and to the point headline
- Start with date and location
- First paragraph should grab attention with important keywords
- Body of press release should back up title and include Who, what, when, where, why, and how
- Make it clean and straight to the point for journalists
- Add an ‘about’ paragraph and contact details at bottom
- Keep it news worthy at all times, do not write like an article
- Written in 3rd person format, not as if you are writing about yourself
- Doesn’t need to be massively long


More in depth details can be found here

A well-written press release gets shared the way a compelling video on YouTube does. Insiders; such as syndicators, third party news sites and journalists will often be attracted to a press release, and they will share the best written ones with others. This could result in interviews and other forms of coverage. In other words, open doors.

It matters what goes in those precious paragraphs. It would be unwise to just throw together a press release, toss it out there and hope for the best. With top-tier writing, keywords of significance, and important details, a press release can be a very effective tool for an individual or company to use to spread the word about a new book or product, or something else that carries an element of newsworthiness.

Getting writing assistance or editing for a press release is possible through the use of, a press release news and distribution site in the market. For $99 will write and distribute a press release online for you. will write a press release and distribute it for you for only $99. Read more about the benefits of an online press release